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Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 - A bobblehead year in review

I've been blogging for nearly a month.  2013 was the first full year I really started collecting bobbleheads.  I'd pick one up now and then before 2013, but as I've mentioned in previous posts, I did a lot more hunting in 2013 and I came up with some tremendous bobbleheads for really great prices.  I also made a couple decisions that didn't go in my favor.

A couple people had told me about a couple auctions near the cities that had bobbleheads.  The first one I went to had roughly 15-20 twins bobbleheads.  I was interested in many of them, so I headed down to the sale after work.  I was brand-spanking new to the auction world so I had no idea what I was getting into.  It ended up being a waste of time and gas as I only bid once on any of the bobbleheads as they went for well over my limit.  It started out fun, then just got depressing and frustrating. The second boneheaded move I made was to check out another auction.  Whats the definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results?  Oh well...I made another trek, this place also had 15-20 bobbleheads, but they were of all sports.  I was interested in some, not in others. If it wasn't for one guy, I probably would have gotten them quite cheap, and Im sure he thought the same thing about me.  Nobody else bid and he had more money (or a higher limit) than I did.  I believe he took every bobblehead in the place.  But I did come out of there with a purse for my wife...which she was super happy about.

Now - onto the good news.  I'm going to do another series of blog posts, this one will be my top 5 garage sale finds.  Starting with the fifth overall best find and working my way towards the number one score of 2013.

Other than garage sales, I was able to find a few good deals on Craigslist and eBay as well as thru connections I've made previously.  We'll see come Spring/Summer 2014 if garage sales bear the same fruit as they did in 2013!

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