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Thursday, December 3, 2015

The season of helping?

I haven't been able to blog much lately because I've been incredibly busy.  Mainly with family/friends for the holidays, but this year the holiday season has been good to me in the world of bobbleheads too.  Found a few new ones for my collection.  I've made a few deals for bobbleheads that I know other people need.  I can't promise anything, but if you are looking for bobbleheads from Minnesota teams, let me know and I'll do my best to find one and get it in your hands!

I continue to say that a big part of collecting for me is helping other collectors.  I recently made a deal with a friend in Florida.  He had a Twins retail bobble that I've been looking for and I have a Minnie & Paul bobble he wanted.  It's nice to help one another out and even more so during the holiday season.

I'm putting together a yearly recap as well.  Granted, right now its just in the back of my head, but I'll post that at some point in December.  Reliving some of my best deals and finds during 2015.  And I've also made a couple of boneheaded mistakes too - but that's part of collecting, right?  Right?  Tell me, I'm right dammit!

Happy Holidays!!

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