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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Twinsfest 2017

Twinsfest came and went with little fanfare, unfortunately.  I saw a report that only about 14,000 people gathered this past weekend (total of all 3 days)!  I know the Twins hope for many more people than that, especially during a 3 day event.  They did announce that Twinsfest 2018 will also be held at Target Field but could be a week earlier than normal (due to the Super Bowl being in town).  And then the event could shift to a different venue.  I do think attendance could grow if the venue is changed.  Target Field is a beautiful ballpark but its not a great venue to host such an event (since its in the winter).

I was able to buy a few things this year, nothing great tho.  The best part of the trip was bumming around with my buddy Killer for the night on Friday.

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