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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Charlie Brown Bobblehead Day

Today the Saints did a 2nd edition of the Charlie Brown bobblehead.  I had previously blogged about this, check it out here.  Based on some limited intel - I was worried it was going to be the same exact bobblehead.  Luckily its different and easily defined as the 2014 version or 2nd edition.  Prices on eBay are already crazy.  For those of you with patience...wait a week or two...Im sure they'll come down a bit.  I'm betting plenty of people walked out of Midway Stadium with a handful of bobbleheads.  1000 were given away and several will find their way to eBay and/or Craigslist.  Below is a picture of the one from today. You can compare that to the 1st edition on the post I linked above.

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