My office view on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday was much different than my normal view. Collecting bobbleheads and this blog is simply a hobby of mine - a passionate one, but only a hobby. My weekly office view is out of huge glass block windows that overlook Northeast Minneapolis.
Quite different than the view below. However, the view below gives me peace, happiness and a great appreciation of where I come from. It also allows me to think about life in general. At times I thought about blog ideas and bobbleheads. I've mentioned before and really want to connect with more of my readers. I kept coming back to that question. So in order to connect with more of my my readers I'm asking you to send pictures of your collection, or your favorite bobblehead or a new bobblehead you just found. Send blog ideas or ask questions about previous posts. Get in touch with me. We all collect bobbleheads or maybe you just like my writing style, while others just put up with it to see pictures of stuff I find.
Hell - maybe the first question to get a response is this, why DO you read my blog? :)